Mlynarek (pronounced – MIL NAR IK ) is a Polish name and translated into English means Miller, so hence, Glenn Miller. Glenn grew up in a musical family and started playing accordion when he was 5 years old. After serving in the Navy during the Vietnam War, Glenn worked for the Postal Service for 12 years while playing keyboards, bass and trumpet in a seven-piece group during the 1970’s. Born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Glenn is a Cheesehead and Brewers Fan despite spending 16 years in Seattle, WA working for a major dealer of Steinway & Yamaha pianos. After retiring a few years ago, Glenn got back into the entertainment business as a “One Man Band” performing for American Legion Posts, Elks Clubs, Street Fairs, Weddings and Retirement Communities. Glenn does a variety of music from the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, & 60’s, from Big Band, Standards, Country and Rock.